Steel structures and construction metalwork
Izrađujemo sve vrste čeličnih konstrukcija i građevinske bravarije. Prilagođavamo se zahtjevima i potrebama investitora. U mogućnosti smo ponuditi kvalitetne savjete i prijedloge za izradu cjelokupnog rješenja.
Production and mounting of steel structures
Međimurje PMP d.o.o. in its offer, offers also a wide range of services related to the installation and production of steel hall constructions adapted to the wishes of the client. By installing new and upgrading existing production facilities, we ensure a space of static stability and design it according to the specific needs of the customer, while guaranteeing prefabricated halls with a high level of quality and appearance.
For all contracted facilities, appropriate workshop documentation is prepared (if not previously submitted)

before the start of production, a plan of quality control, welding technology and AKZ technology is made. A workshop diary, a welding diary and an anti-corrosion protection diary are kept.
Structures undergo multiple controls until they become part of the finished object. Dimensional control and control of welds according to the PKK and according to the requirements of the project are carried out.
We employ certified, educated and certified people in the field of welding and in the field of NDT.

Construction metalwork
Međimurje PMP d.o.o. in addition to the production of steel structures and elements, it offers service and design, as well as the production of other construction metalwork elements such as:
• Stairs
• Fence
• Canopy
• Steel handrails
• Treads